Top 21 Wedding Trends for 2021


Do you pay attention to trends? To be honest-my first tendency is to give trends the bird! But when I learned what the wedding trends were for 2021, it was like they were made for me! They are all about being unique and have a very common thread-intimate, quality, ethical and acts of gratitude. Not all that surprising considering the upheaval of 2020, right? Will all of these trends carry on to future years, probably not. But if I were to make a prediction, I feel that the wedding industry is not done shifting to a more meaningful day with less emphasis on pleasing people and spending a ton of money on the things that don’t really matter-and I AM ALL FOR IT!

I know, the anticipation is killing you-so without further ado and in no particular order, here are the top 21 wedding trends of 2021. I would love to hear which one is your personal favorite, so please leave me a comment at the bottom!

  1. Micro Weddings and Elopements

Micro weddings made their debut in 2020 and quickly became the wedding phrase of the year. They are basically a small wedding that includes many of the components of a bigger wedding, just with less guests and has a more intimate feel to it. Think of it as more of a fun party feel-the whole day, like a fancy family reunion. Another term that is often used for these is intimate wedding. Both micro weddings and intimate weddings allow for amazing customization by the couple, so definitely don’t feel that you are tied to tradition.

Elopements have been around for a long time-but they are a far cry from the days of running off to Vegas if you didn’t have your parents blessings or to cover up an “oops” pregnancy. Nowadays they are a custom day that is built around the couple and whatever their heart desires. Want to climb a mountain and profess your love for each other and then dip into a mountain lake? I am here for it! Maybe an urban taco crawl is more your thing? I also happen to love tacos, so I will happily follow you around capturing your concrete adventures! 

I don’t see micro weddings or elopements going anywhere, in fact, my guess is that they will continue to gain in popularity over the next couple of years. Ready to learn more about how I can help you plan the day of your dreams? Click HERE to start the journey.

2. Wed On A Weekday

With all of the postponements from 2020, a lot of vendors are pretty booked for weekends in 2021. So why not choose a weekday? Less crowds, more options, and potential savings add up to a pretty rewarding option.

3. Longer Celebrations

I love this trend! Gather your closest friends and family and make a weekend (or longer) of it! This concept is really great if you are thinking of a destination option (even staying stateside). One of the benefits of this option, is that there is room for the two of you to have a day dedicated to the two of you while your guests adventure on their own. And then you can all meet back up for dinner and drinks. Or maybe you want to pick a really cool location, but the drive is pretty long. Life in Tents will come and set up a little community for you, wherever you want! I absolutely love camping and adventuring and know of sooooo many amazing Oregon locations, so click HERE to start planning your multi-day festivities!

4. Brunch Weddings

Another out of the box idea is having a brunch wedding. Just imagine it, you get up super early and say your vows at sunrise in an epic location either just the two of you or with your most special people. Afterwards you have an amazing brunch filled with your favorite breakfast foods and the whole day ahead of a married couple! And probably a nap. I will be the first to say that I am not a natural morning person-BUT there is something truly magical about getting up when it is still dark out and watching the sunrise as you profess your love for each other. I will never say no to a morning wedding, talk about a bonding experience! Another thing to consider is having a brunch wedding also can be a way to weed out guests that you feel obligated to invite, but are pretty sure won’t attend an early celebration.

Waterfall Elopement in the Columbia Gorge
Vintage inspired elopement

5. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Weddings

This is a trend that I am wholeheartedly supportive of! According to “The Green Bride Guide,” by Kate Harrison the average wedding produces 400 pounds of trash and 63 tons of carbon dioxide. That leaves a lot of room for improvement! Some really easy and simple ways to create a more sustainable wedding are to rent or buy your outfits second hand. Brides For A Cause is a great organization that not only has amazing dresses, but each purchase helps support a woman-led charity. The Black Tux has a wonderful rental program for you guys out there and a really cool selection. Some other ways to make your wedding more sustainable are to buy flowers and food locally, have a more plant based menu, use decorations that can be repurposed later, and give plants as gifts that can be replanted later.

6. Weddings With A More Relaxed and Informal Feel

This trend comes naturally with the ever popular micro wedding. They are so closely tied, like peanut butter and jelly. Family style dining is quite popular as well as tiny toasts. A tiny toast is where your guests (often more than just your chosen few) share a fond memory vs a whole prepared speech. Such a fun way to just relax and enjoy everyone's company. Another really popular trend is to have a lounge area-even outdoors!

7. Wed Now and Party Later

This trend became popular in 2020 allowing couples to tie the knot with a small ceremony right away and then plan a bigger party down the road. I am a huge fan of this approach because you can have the intimateness of your day without the embarrassing spotlight (hello introverts) and then later have a giant party with family and friends to celebrate. No need to rehash the lovey dovey stuff-just enjoy each other's company!


8. Hollywood Glamour

Maybe it’s because we have been locked inside and living in our comfies for over a year, but people are ready to get fancy! Expect one of a kind dresses, unique hairstyles, bold makeup, and statement jewelry. This look pairs perfectly with some of our urban Portland venues, like Easton Broad or Tendue.

Black and White Image of Married Couple

9. 70’s Flashback

Hello vintage clothes, macrame, wooden beads, earth tones and amazing rock & roll! I have pretty much been waiting my whole life for this trend to come back around! Does this even count as a trend, when it lives in your heart always? Asking for a friend...

10. It’s All In The Details

More emphasis will be spent deciding the little details of 2021 weddings. Expect to see amazing florals consisting of local flowers and environmentally friendly dried florals, especially in the bouquets. The trend of having unique drinks and food that is the couples favorites will also continue. One idea that I loved is to coordinate the guest dress code, so that it has almost a photo shoot feel to it. Hello, group photos!! Thank you gifts will also be more meaningful, filled with personalized gifts and/or homemade gifts.

11. Concept Lighting

I am super excited about this one-what I have found is anything goes! Vintage chandeliers? Yep! Neon lights still a thing? So they say! And any and all in between. Basically if the lighting will help set the mood, you want it. Twinkle lights are always a popular option, but I also anticipate seeing unique candles, fun lamps and battery powered options to make even the most remote location light up.

12. “At Last”

The wedding song trend is going with a classic-At Last by Etta James. I feel like this one speaks to all of those couples out there who either postponed their 2020 wedding, or were waiting to see when the end of the pandemic would be and are tired of waiting. If there was a song about love not being cancelled, Etta might have had some competition.

Elopement with colored dress

17. Buying Local

Small businesses were hit hard in 2020 and are on the forefront of the 2021 couples minds. Expect to see more farm to table style menus, unique party favors and decor that come from unexpected vendors, local bakers and florists.

18. Experimental Entertainment

This trend sounds like a blast and will make for some incredibly fun photography! Speaking of photography, do you worry about what your guests will do while I am whisking you away for sunset photos? Well, now you have the perfect idea-book some form of entertainment that they can experience while you are gone. Here are some unique examples that I have found: A palm reader, a tarot card reader, a roaming musician, a magician, a street performer or sketch artist, and learn to make your favorite cocktail-complete with a signature wedding cocktail. Your guests might forget you disappeared, but they will definitely not forget their experience!

19. A Gratitude Focused Day

2020 had many lessons, but one that will carry over to 2021 is the importance of gratitude. I think a lot of love languages will be expressed, from creating a day that allows for quality time, to handwritten sentimental notes. Gifts will likely be more intimate and not just chosen off of a gift registry. What a wonderful trend that I hope continues on for years to come.

20. A DYI Comeback

This trend seems to come and go like a wave in the ocean and I don’t think it will really ever fully fade. But this year it makes sense-everyone was stuck at home last year and has learned some great new skills and were getting crafty. I just hope it isn’t a bunch of needlepoint centerpieces.

13. Unique Wedding Dresses

Make way for sleeves of all shapes and sizes, satin everything, short dresses and colorful dresses! I am always a sucker for sleeves on a dress-from the bell sleeves of my 70’s dreams to the romantic puff sleeves, sleeves this year will be all the rage. Satin will be the material of choice and will look stunning for an urban wedding or on top of a cliff overlooking the ocean. Are you looking for a way to add a pop of color and some fun? You might want to look into a shorter dress. Pair it with a colorful pair of shoes and it is a match made in heaven. I personally love colored dresses and am hoping that this trend comes true this year-bring on the colored wedding dresses!

14. Long Veils

So as a photographer, I was ecstatic when this one was on the list. Veils are always popular and can elevate your bridal portraits, but the fact that even longer ones are now becoming more popular just means more amazingness! And not only will they be longer this year, but they will be more embellished with unique designs. Don’t be afraid to add a special element of embroidery to your veil, or even some rhinestones.

15. Colorful Suits

It’s about time that the guys get to have some fun! Expect to see colorful suits, especially in the gorgeous terracotta tones. Which does pair nicely with #9 on this list. Velvet suits will also be in this year, so let those personalities shine fellas!

16. Bridesmaids Dresses

This category seems to be all over the board. I have heard that pastel colors are definitely in, but so is maroon and evergreen for winter. And my personal favorite-mustard yellow! I wonder if the mismatched dresses will still be a thing? I hope so!

Wedding Tablescape

21. A More Value Based Approach on Choosing Vendors

If this last year has taught us anything, it is to put your money where your values are-and the couples of 2021 are definitely searching for vendors who are clear about their values. I hope this intentional diversifying of this industry becomes a staple and no longer a trend. Because love is love and everyone should feel safe and welcomed by their vendors. I have a list to help my couples pick vendors that not only have caring values, but that are also the best at what they do.


Phew! What a list, right? Are you planning your 2021 (or even your 2022) wedding? I help couples all over Oregon plan their dream day. Click HERE to start the conversation, I would love to hear more about your dream day!

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